Mini CV
Nikos Tziritas received his BS in 2004, from Technical Educational Institute of Serres, Greece, as well as his MS and Ph.D. in 2006 and 2011, respectively, from University of Thessaly, Greece. He worked as a postdoctoral researcher, international scientist, and associate professor in Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology during 2011-2019. He currently promoted to associate professor (in the process of being printed on national printing office) in University of Thessaly, Department of Computer Science and Telecommunications. His research has been on scheduling, load-balancing and replication in CDNs, as well as energy optimization and resource management in WSNs, databases, and cloud computing systems. His work appears in more than 55 publications. He was on the editorial board of IEEE Technical Committee on Distributed Processing (TCDP) during 2014-2019. He is the recipient of the award for excellence for early career researchers in scalable computing (2016) from IEEE Technical Committee in Scalable Computing (TCSC).
Research Interests
His research interests are focused on: (a) scheduling, load-balancing and replication in content distribution networks, (b) resource management and energy optimization in cloud computing and edge computing systems, (c) scalable computations in large distributed systems, (d) distributed algorithms for agent placement in wireless sensor networks, (e) big data processing and job placement in hybrid memory systems, and (f) algorithms for intelligent transportation systems, (g) federation of digital twins, and (h) blockchain systems